Firstly, let’s understand the difference between cleaning a house, and tidying a house. But, aren’t they the same thing? While cleaning and tidying are usually used interchangeably, they are actually different tasks. Tidying is organising and putting belongings away, and finding a home for your belongings, while cleaning is removing dirt, bacteria and other often invisible nasties from your home. As Marie Kondo puts it “Tidying is the act of confronting yourself – cleaning is the act of confronting dirt.”

So, here are a few tips and tricks to help you keep a clean AND tidy house with kids.

1. Give everything a home and make it known

We use less brain power to put things away when we know where they belong, rather than trying to guess where something goes.

It is also easier to find something when you need it, when it is put away in its home. How many times do you find yourself rummaging through the kitchen cupboards looking for that darn grater because someone has a different idea of where it should live than you?! Give it a home, make sure everyone understands this is where the grater lives, to avoid this time-consuming, avoidable frustration in the future.

2. Create simple habits

Such as making your bed when you get up in the morning. Putting dirty laundry straight in the laundry hamper, rather than on the floor or on that corner chair. Putting wet towels away. Small habits like this, make your space feel clearer and often have a flow-on effect. If your space is already tidy and clear of debris such as pillows, dirty clothes and wet towels, it makes it easier to want to do other cleaning tasks such as vacuuming and cleaning surfaces, as there are fewer physical, and therefore mental, hurdles.

3. Declutter

Remember that cupboard that is overflowing with things you no longer use? Yeah, that one, the one you’re too scared to open in case something falls out? Open it. Go through it and donate the items that you’re no longer using. The pre-loved belongings you’ve been stashing away can be donated to someone who will greatly appreciate them. They’ll go to someone’s home and be re-loved, for another family to enjoy, and your home will feel more organised, less full.

4. Get the kids involved

Communicate with your kids why it’s important to tidy, and to put their toys away. Explain and model for them how to put toys away, and where they go. Turn it into a game – use a timer to set a limit, how much tidying can they get done within the set time? How many rooms can they get through? Put some fun music on to have a dance party while you tidy.

Family Hygiene

Good family hygiene means avoiding illness and spending less on healthcare. It can also help you and your family maintain self-confidence, knowing you’re living in a clean environment. Here are a few tips for keeping the family home clean and hygienic:

1. Refresh your bed between sheet changes

When changing the sheets on your bed, spritz your bare mattress with a good-quality disinfectant, and air out for the day. Vacuum your bare mattress regularly is also recommended. These actions will uplift any dead skin cells, or hair that may be lingering on your mattresses, but also prevent and mitigate bacteria, viruses and bedbugs from harming your family.


2. Regularly disinfect kitchen towels

Kitchen dish towels and cloths can also be homes to nasties, even if they’re only used for drying dishes! Wash your kitchen towels and cloths frequently in your washing machine, with SteriGENE Laundry Liquid for thorough cleaning and disinfection. You could through your kitchen towels and cloths in the laundry along with your bed sheets, to hygienically clean and freshen both, and save on water consumption.

3. Create simple habits

As simple as washing your hands before preparing and eating a meal. Sanitizing your hands before a meal while you’re out and about. Cleaning the mirror after brushing your teeth to remove and prevent those annoying toothpaste splatters. Frequently clean high-traffic areas such as door knobs and bench tops.


4. Empty your rubbish bins often

Disinfecting the bin while it’s empty will help to prevent any nasties from spreading through your home. Don’t forget to thoroughly clean your hands after handling the rubbish and bins.


To help you adopt these tips into your cleaning and tidying routine, we’ve taken the guesswork out of choosing the best products for keeping your family safer, by compiling our Home Protection Kit and Home Protection Kit Plus.

We know these tips will help you feel fresher in your home, and confident you’re doing everything you can to ensure your home is clean, tidy and hygienic for your family.