8 tips for a safe camping adventure this summer.

It’s time to embark on a summer camping adventure! To ensure your journey is not only memorable but also safe, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide that combines essential hygiene tips with the use of SteriGENE disinfectant. Let’s delve into the secrets of maintaining cleanliness and well-being in the great outdoors.

Embracing the Kiwi Outdoors

New Zealand’s summer beckons with promises of lush landscapes, pristine beaches, and unforgettable adventures. Before you hit the road, familiarise yourself with the essentials of camping hygiene to make the most of your journey.

SteriGENE – Your Trusted Hygiene Companion

Introducing SteriGENE, a versatile disinfectant that goes beyond the basics. In communal areas, especially bathrooms and showers, wearing jandals is a wise choice. After showering, spray your jandals with SteriGENE for an extra layer of protection against bacteria, viruses, and fungi that may be lingering.

SteriGENE Application Tips for Camping

Unlock the full potential of SteriGENE with our application tips. From sanitising hands after exploring the outdoors to ensuring your cooking utensils are spotless, SteriGENE is your all-in-one hygiene solution for camping.

General Camping Hygiene Tips Enhanced with SteriGENE

Explore a range of general hygiene tips complemented by SteriGENE’s effectiveness:

1. Footwear in Communal Areas

    • Wear jandals in communal areas and apply SteriGENE to your feet for an added layer of cleanliness.

2. Hand Hygiene

    • Use SteriGENE to sanitise your hands, providing peace of mind wherever your adventure takes you. Wash your hands after using the bathroom and before cooking to kill germs.

3. Food Handling

    • SteriGENE offers an extra layer of protection when cleaning surfaces in your camp kitchen.

4. Waste Disposal

5. Sun Protection

6. Proper Waste Digging

7. Campsite Cleanliness

    • Keep your campsite clean by using SteriGENE to disinfect surfaces and camping equipment.

8. Respect Local Wildlife

A Summer Camping Adventure

Armed with the knowledge of general camping hygiene and the powerful ally, SteriGENE, you’re ready to embark on a summer camping adventure like never before. Let the pristine landscapes of New Zealand be your playground, knowing that you have the tools to keep yourself, your fellow campers, and the environment safe and clean. Happy camping!