New Unique Anitbacterial Coated PGA Suture Seralac Protect has a unique coating containing Poly (glycolide-co lactide) (90/10). Synthetic absorbable suture, multifilament. Half-life 15-20 days, absorption time 60-90 days. With the added advantage of antibacterial coating made of Chlorhexidine. Established use of Chlorhexidine – Antiseptic, Disinfectant, Preservative, Anti-plaque agent. The suture also has advantages of superior tensile strength and knot tying flexibility
Synthetic Catgut Alternative
Polyglycolic acid braided absorbable suture. Both coating and specific braiding structure give the suture outstanding properties such as exceptional suppleness, good sliding capacity, minimum sawing effect and high knot security. Seravet synthetic Catgut alternative is a world first with cassettes up to 100m. Seravet contains within the cassette casing, a special safety paper to absorb humidity. -
Triple enzyme instrument and equipment cleaner
Enzystel is a triple enzymatic instrument and equipment cleaner and a bactericidal multi-enzyme detergent concentrate that dissolves and removes proteinaceous and organic material (blood, saliva, mucus, etc.) from the surfaces of instruments and equipment. Enzystel is non-foaming (designed as a pre-autoclave or automated system cleaner) and non-corrosive (safe on all metals, plastics, rubbers, etc). All Enzystel products are:- Safe and easy to use
- Effective at low temperatures
- Non-corrosive
- Non-foaming